The spirit of God conceived the church in the hearts, soul and minds of Christian men and women who prayed from house to house.
Over the years written records have been lost and destroyed by fire. The history of the church was recorded orally from generation to generation.
March 21, 1883, a group of Christian leaders from the Plateau community organized a Baptist Church known at that time as Three Mile Creek Baptist Church, under the leadership of Reverend Frank Peterson. Years later, the church name was changed to New Hope Baptist Church, then later to Yorktown Baptist Church.
The church is blessed with four Usher Boards: Senior Board, Usher Board #2, Usher Board #3 and the Junior Usher Board. The Missionary Department and the Nurse’s Aide have served faithfully for many years.
The Mass Sunday school was organized under the leadership of Reverend J. S. Hannon. Brother W. T. Thomas from Yorktown, Brother Thomas Wiggerfall from Union Baptist, Brother Limmie Kennedy from Hopewell, and Brother McGadney from Hall Chapel, now known as First Baptist. These three superintendents and pastors came together and the Mass Sunday school was organized. Reverend Matthews, along with other pastors of the community, came together and organized the combined fifth Sunday night service.
Yorktown Missionary Baptist Church has had the ties that bind with Mobile County Training School. The church and school did so much for this community. In l915 fire destroyed the school building. Yorktown Baptist Church came to the rescue of the Mobile County Training School and provided a place for students to continue their education.
Due to another fire in 1939, Yorktown Missionary Baptist Church offered Mobile County Training School the opportunity to use the facilities for grades five, six and seven.
The students of Mobile County Training School were required to attend Sunday school each Sunday. On Monday, the punch card verified their presence in Sunday school.
The sanctuary was used for academic studies, declamatory contests, oratorical contests and Baccalaureate services.
Brother W. T. Thomas from Yorktown, Brother Thomas Wiggerfall from Union Baptist, Brother Limmie Kennedy from Hopewell, and Brother McGadney from Hall Chapel, now known as First Baptist. These three superintendents and pastors came together and the Mass Sunday school was organized. Reverend Matthews, along with other pastors of the community, came together and organized the combined fifth Sunday night service.
1888-1891: Reverend Frank Peterson was the first pastor of Yorktown Missionary Baptist Church.
1892-1894: Reverend L. W. Norris carried on the leadership of the church for a short time. He served well.
1894-1910: Reverend L. F. Jackson was considered a diligent Christian worker. He rebuilt the church which was destroyed by a storm. He encouraged the members to still believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. He served until his death.
1910-1925: Reverend H. D. Parker was called to lead the Christian congregation to greater heights in life. The church was destroyed by lightning in the year of 1918. It was a total loss. Electric lights were installed in the place of oil lamps. Service was held in the Mason Hall on Railroad Street.
1926-1931: Reverend H. P. Williams was called to the church.
1932-1943: Reverend Joe S. Hannon became pastor. Many souls were saved under his leadership. The church was remodeled. The pulpit was changed from the west to the south.
1943-1947: Reverend Milton Smith served as pastor for three years. A parsonage was built and furnished.
1948-1951: Reverend A. C. L. Arbouin was an outstanding pastor. He believed in church growth.
Under his leadership the Christian Education Department was added, three Missionary Society Circles, the Matrons and Usher Board #2 were organized.
1952-1963: Reverend Douglas L. Motley was called to pastor the church. He added to the parsonage and the building program was planned and started. The church was incorporated under his leadership. He was a community pastor.
1963-1980: Reverend John Eugene Matthews was called to pastor the church. He served seventeen years. Reverend Matthews was ordained under the leadership of Reverend J. S. Hannon. Her served Yorktown for thirty years as an assistant pastor and seven years as presiding pastor. He served as acting pastor for Reverend J. S. Hannon, Reverend A. C. L. Arbouin, Reverend Milton Smith, and Reverend D. L. Motley. During his great leadership, many accomplishments were made. The new sanctuary was completed. The church became debt free less than sixteen years. The Nurse’s Aide was organized. He touched the souls of many people. He served faithfully until he retired.
1980-2005: Reverend C. L. Daniel succeeded Reverend Matthews. He served faithfully until he retired, after 25 years. Some of Reverend Daniel’s accomplishments were: organized an evangelistic committee, Senior Citizen Group (Just Older Youth), added Trustees and Deacons, purchased a forty passenger bus and a fifteen passenger van, also renovated the church.
February 4, 2006: Reverend Christopher L. Williams, Sr. was called to lead Yorktown Missionary Baptist Church. He has shown great leadership, love and concern for the church and community. Several Ministries has been added to the church including the Helping Hand Ministry and the Younger Adult Choir. Yorktown is moving in the direction that God has provided.